Have you ever thought….”oh well, it is in my genes” and determined that’s the way it is?
We have been taught that Genes contain your DNA — the code that controls much of your body’s form and function, from making you grow taller to regulating your body systems. Genes that don’t work properly can cause disease (Mayo Clinic).
Even in the case of Mental Illness people are sometimes asked about their family history with the presumption that mental illness can “run in families”. So if someone presents with anxiety etc. are there other family members who were diagnosed with anxiety or another mental illness.
Some people may perceive themselves to be a victim of their genes (physical or mental) which is understandable based on the science we have been taught.
A New Perspective
While this information I am about to speak of is not new, it is definitely worth reminding us of a different perspective. Bruce Lipton, an American Developmental Biologist, offers this statement: “the common idea that DNA determines so much of who we are – not only our eye, or hair color, for example, but also our addictions, disorders, or susceptibility to cancer – is a misconception.”
Mind-Body Connection
In his book “The Biology of Belief” he states, “when a cell encounters nutrients, the growth genes are activated and used. When a cell encounters toxins, the protection genes are activated and used.
He goes on to say, when a human being encounters love, the growth genes are activated. When a human being encounters fear, the protection genes are activated.
“A person may perceive a negative environment where there is actually a supportive or positive environment. When this negative perception activates the protection genes, the bodies response is the programmed fight or flight.”
“Beliefs act as a filter between the real environment and your biology, thus people have the power to change their biology.”
Lipton goes on to say, “you are not victims of genes.” He asks “What beliefs are you choosing for your genes to be expressed?” Fifty years ago his theory was rejected by the majority of scientific minds however today Epigenetics is generally accepted. Lipton’s theory is based on his life’s research and if we are searching for scientific evidence of his theory we can easily find it in his book The Biology of Belief where he explains the science behind Epigenetics. If we walk down the road of Lipton’s theory based on his scientific evidence, imagine the possibilities! The sky’s the limit! Is it possible there are no limits!
To explain his findings we can explore the conscious and unconscious mind. The subconscious mind operates at the level of theta brain waves. Our subconscious mind forms during the first 7 years of our life and is based on the information we receive from significant people in our life. Habits are based on the information we receive in those first 7 years of our life. Incidentally, when we are in a hypnotic state we are actually operating at the level of theta brain waves. It is thought as humans we operate at the level of the unconscious 95% of the time.
Alternatively the conscious mind is a creative mind open to news thoughts and ideas however it is thought we spend approximately 5% of our time engaged in conscious thinking. Most of our time is spent behaving in a way that reflects the programming we received during our first 7 years of life. So how do we change this?
Lipton’s says there are 3 ways to change the subconscious mind or the programmed mind. The first is hypnosis, listening to what you want to create in your life just before you go to sleep while in theta waves. It is most important to create this new ‘programming’ from a place of already experiencing how we want our lives to be different.
Similar to creating an intention, the information is stated in a positive manner. For example if I want to be happy I would create a hypnosis script stating ‘I am happy’ as opposed to ‘I want to be happy’. In other words I create an intention as though it has already happened.
The second is habituation or ‘fake it til you make it’. Some might refer to this process as stating affirmations. If my mind has become habituated to think a certain way, I can change this habit by repetitiously stating in my mind ‘I am happy’. At this time it might be important to note individuals can decide which of these techniques are a fit for them. For some, repeating affirmations may feel or appear disingenuous. For others this more pragmatic approach could be a fit. I would encourage each person to check with their intuition to identify the best fit.
Lipton says the third way to change the subconscious mind is through Energy Psychology. There are, of course, many types of Energy Psychology and determining which one is the best fit is, I believe, is individual. I encourage each person to listen to their heart when deciding which technique(s) they are intuitively guided to investigate.
There are many types of Energy Psychology for instance EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) referred to by Dr. David Feinstein, a Clinical Psychologist, as Acupuncture without the needles.
TFT (Thought Field Therapy) created by Roger Callahan combined Psychotherapy and Acupressure recognizing the presence of an internal energy system and bringing together Western and Eastern Traditions (Good Therapy).
Reiki, which was created by Mikao Usui , is considered to be a Japanese Healing Art founded in Japan over 100 years ago. The Canadian Reiki Association describes Reiki (ray-key) as a multi-faceted spiritual energy that can be used to help people with meditation practices, spiritual growth, healing relationships, manifestation of goals and activating the Divine healing power within all living beings . Reiki can be offered in person or through distance healing sessions.
Similar to Reiki, Synergistic Systems can be offered through distance sessions. In fact, distance sessions are preferred. Some clients have experienced mind, body, and or spirit changes, after receiving Energy Sessions, to support them on their path.
In my experience of offering Reiki or Synergistic Energy Sessions each client’s experience is unique to their personality, life experiences and intention!